Ghoul In The Pool Helpers List 2014

Dear All,

Firstly thank you for all offering to Help at this Saturdays 31st BMSC Open Meet.

Please see the list below for job allocation.

Please be at the venue  for 7.30am

    Helpers List 2014  
    Details Session 1
1 Coaches Passes  
11.1 Coaches pack distribution(2) Rob Rantzen
Coaches pack distribution(2) Rob Rantzen
2 Awards    
2.1 Medal distribution (1) Louise Oram
2.2 Medal distribution (2) Liz Brookes
3 Competitor Stewards
3.1 Competitors’ Stewards (1) Callers Rob Rantzen
Competitors’ Stewards (2) Callers Rob Wadey
Competitors’ Stewards (3) Walkers Sharon Bestwick
Competitors’ Stewards (4) Walker Phil Sloane
Competitors’ Stewards (5) Blocks End Lotte Raynard
3.2 Announcer 1 Gavin Brookes
3.3 Backroom Operator Tom Osin
Backroom Assistant Richard Oram
Backroom Assistant Andy Phelan
Backroom Assistant Helen Phelan
Backroom Assistant (Runner) Tracey Haslam / Dawn Higgins
4 Appoint Health & Safety Stewards    
4.1 Head of Health and Safety Mark Emm
Health and Safety Officer (1) Gail Emm
Health and Safety Officer (2) Paul Allen
Health and Safety Officer (3) Donna Baker
Health and Safety Officer (4) Simon Baker
Health and Safety Officer (5) Michelle Belfield
Health and Safety Officer (6) Chris Tatham
Health and Safety Officer (7) Christian Barden
5 Admissions desk    
5.1 Admissions steward (1) Marie Dymond
Admissions steward (2) Lisa Minifie -Rose
Photo Steward (3) Entrance AM / PM Val Adams
Raffle Marie Dymond
6 Arrange Catering    
6.1 Drinks Steward Coordinator Marie Dymond
Drinks steward (1) Val Adams
Drinks steward (2) Nicky Brett
6.2 Lunch steward Val Adams
7 Finance    
7.1 Budget Updating Pete Marshall
7.2 Float Pete Marshall
7.3 Float for raffle Pete Marshall
7.4 Banking & expenses Pete Marshall
7.5 Rejections Richard Oram
8 Whites Officials    
(TO BE SORTED BY P.Marshall) Trish Nicholls
Jenny Revell
Helen Osin
Nicky Allen
Steve Dymond
Malcolm Stray
Catherine Stray
Daune Rae-McLean
Mark Dissington
Stella Mitchell
Pippa Hibbs
Barry May (Referee)
Anne Basford (Referee)
Ian Davy (Referee)
Jeff Pickering (Referee)
Peter Marshall
9 BMSC Team    
9.1 Coach Mike Brett
9.2 Team Manager (1) Claire Horobin
9.3 Team Manager (2) Helen Skinner
Team Manager (3) Sophie Barden
Team Manager (4) Helen Ellis (AM Only)

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