Another 45 at LT on Sunday and everyone worked very hard. The numbers in Group 1 attendance was really impressive again, well done!
Having spent the 1st half of the autumn term reminding our bodies of our core stability and flexibility skills from the previous year and brining new attendees up to speed with what we do in LT, the second half of the term will focus on core strength and plyometrics to speed up our explosive power from blocks and turns whilst building our land fitness for the pool.
Please ensure ALL children continue to attend wearing the right clothing and footwear, bring a drink and resistance bands to all sessions.
Swimprovers of the week were recognised for the high example they set to others in both their behaviour and execution of exercises. Well done:
Group 1: Goergia Wilbraham
Group 2: Callum Phelan
We’re back in the BLC Activity Hall this weekend and look forward to another great session with some superb behaviour.
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