BMSC Launch Midland Squad..

Boot Camp as all who attended know was a Great Success, and off the back of this and the continued success at BMSC, the Coaching Staff and Committee are Proud to announce the Launch of the BMSC Midland Squad.

The criteria for the Squad which will train at Loughborough on a Sunday Evening 6pm – 8pm will be all who qualified and raced individually at the Midland Championships last Season 2015-16.

Anyone who achieves a Licenced Midland Time in the current season (Sept – August) of the event will also be invited to attend from now on.

The Time must be in the Age Group the swimmer is racing at.

This Squad will also allow the Training at BLC on a Sunday Evening to improve with the 20+ Swimmers who would have been at these sessions moving out.

All qualifiers will receive Midland Squad Welcome Packs over the next week or so as the 1st training session at Loughborough starts on Sunday October 9th.

Congratulations to all our Midlands’s Squad and Good Luck in this New Venture.

Follow the link below for the current Midland Qualification Times, these will be update shortly but give all our BMSC Swimmers something to compare themselves to.

QT Times 2016

BMSC Committee & Coaching Team


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