Dreams Don’t Work Unless You Do!

Sorry to our Swimprover’s for failing to blog last week. In attempt to make a mends I’m blogging early whilst I recover from 2 more great sessions. 

Last weeks Swimprover’s were:
Group 1: Maddie Tatham (dedication & setting a great training example)
Group 2: Christian Boon (great attitude, fast learning & big weekly developments)

This week we’ve been able to take next steps in developing greater hand/eye coordination and further cross-core development. Yet again we had over 50 Swimprover’s turnout despite the great spring weather. Well done everyone.

This weeks Swimprover’s are:
Group 1: Rob Moseley (responding to coaches feedback & increased focus)
Group 2: Caitlin Oram (work rate, leading from the front & discipline)

LT Forms: Thank you for the recent returns from new swimmers joining LT. 

Resistance Bands: Please make sure all children have appropriate rubber resistance bands. This week we nearly had regular Swimprover’s sitting out of the band exercises from not having/bringing their own.

The regular LT numbers are growing, the LT schedule continues to compliment the pool based schedule, the skill within both LT groups is developing well and our performances in competition (when it matters most) keeps improving……..let’s keep the respect, fun, work rate & LT successes going.  


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