Important Monthly Fees Please Read…

At the beginning of the year the Monthly Fees at BMSC were increased by £0.50 from £31.50 to £32.00.

This covers your standard core sessions of 2no / week.

Additional sessions were also increased by £0.50 from £6.50 to £7.00/session.

A family discount is applicable if a member of the family is paying a Full Membership at the beginning of the Year ie £40.00.

This is not applicable to Mini Marlins.


A swimmer attending 3 sessions a week with a sibling (Family Discount) will pay as follows:

£32.00 Core Sessions

£7.00 Additional Session


Less £2.50 (Family Discount)

£36.50/ month

Please can you ensure you’re Direct Debits / Standing Orders are set up correctly for the month of May.

Thanks in advance


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