LT Hitz The Magical 50!

Just like Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Kenya’s Independence, The Ford Mustang, The Forth Road Bridge, Radio Caroline, The Beatles in NY…..Land Training has finally hit the BIG 5-0 in 2014!

Thank you to all the dedicated children and parents who are helping make this important part of swim training an ongoing success.

Swimprovers on this momentous occasion are:
Group 1: Poppy Brown
Group 2: Chelsea Eley

Please Note: All children need to be in the right P.E kit, including footwear, and with their own resistance bands. Given the numbers now in attendance and our responsibilities as coaches, if children do not have these on any given day we may have to ask them to sit out of some of the exercises or the full session. Please help us and your children not to be placed in such an uncomfortable situation.

So the next target is “LT60” and being in peak condition for the “Ghoul in the Pool.”


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