LT With Awesome Attitude!
This weeks LT was a delight to coach and very rewarding to see another week of +55 swimprovers having come so far in their physical conditioning and core control yet still working so hard with great discipline.
Well done to our swimprovers of the week:
Group 1: Eleanor Dilks (focus, effort and willingness)
Group 2: Howie Barden (skill, discipline and work rate)
Thank you for making sure all swimprovers are wearing the right clothing for LT.
Resistance Bands: Bring to every session please.
LT Forms: Download from the BMSC website, complete, sign and return to Christian Barden.
Looking forward to seeing even more of our Mighty Marlins at LT this week. Good luck to Josh Horobin, the LT team are all rooting for you. Likewise, to all competing in Hucknall this weekend in the Junior League.