The Marlin – #1 Is Earned Every Day!

Well done Swimprover’s of the Week – Rebecca Ellis & Hannah Whitaker!

With a total of 38 attending this week and the standard improving all the time, to be recognised in this way is a HUGE achievement.

Land training is for everyone and our focus is to get you “fit for swimming” by working on core strength, speed, agility and quickness that will compliment the great work and technique done in the pool.

We will always focus on having fun, doing things differently, and ensuring everyone can work as hard as they can to get the most from the sessions so please always bring your “A” game, a drink, a smile, and your manners.

Standing long jump records from last week are: Group 1: 188cm (boys) 148cm (girls) Group 2: 220cm (boys) 186cm (girls)………..Dads: 204cm………oops

Thank you / Takk / Tack / Tak / Kiitos,



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