BMSC Championship Presentation Evening 

BMSC Presentation Evening for the recent club championships will be fast upon us and tickets are nearly sold out. This year it takes place at the lovely Makeney Hall Hotel, on Saturday 9th January 2016, with a 7 pm arrival for 7:30 start. 
The evening is being subsidised by BMSC with tickets being sold at £4 each, and includes entry and buffet. Tickets will only be available to buy until Sunday 20th December 2015, as numbers will then need to be confirmed and finalised with the hotel. If you’d like to join the celebrations please do not delay in buying your tickets.  

We are sure that the evening will be yet another huge success to celebrate the achievements of both individual swimmers and BMSC.
Tickets are available to buy from Sophie Barden (07941238309) and Michelle Belfield. 

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