Dear Mighty Marlins
Entry information is now available for the DASA 50m Sprints Competition @ Ponds Forge.
All Tuesday Night Swimmers Alfreton LC (Jnr County Squad) and BLC (Snr County Squad) must enter this event to maintain there place at these sessions along with any other BMSC Session Swimmer who would like to swim.
This meet is takes place at Ponds Forge Sheffield and is one of the only chances that our rookie swimmers aged 9yrs and above get to swim at this Great Venue.
The Pool is 50m instead of 25m so you get a feel for what its like to swim at a National / Championship Venue.
If you are aged 9yrs or older at the Gala date 7/12/2014 then this is an opportunity not to be missed.
Ask any of the Coaches which events to enter and how if your unsure.
BMSC Closing Date: Sunday 26/10/2014
All Entry Forms along with Entry Fees to Paul, Phil or Mike.
Last year BMSC took over 50 swimmers, so lets try and beat that and be our normal Loud and Proud selves!!!
For the entry info follow the link below.
We'd love to have you with us
Fill in this form to start the registration process