Please ensure that you have extended your Monthly Fee Payments to the end of this year.
New Payments will come into effect from Jan 2014 you will be advised what these are on a Family basis nearer the time.
If you dont continue your payment through OCT – Dec you may not be able to swim at the Club or for the Club until these payments are made in full, so please ensure you do this ASAP.
Please also ensure you are paying the correct fees for your swimming sessions, each additional session is £6.00 increasing in Jan 2014 to £6.50.
You will be charged for sessions you are scheduled to be at, this relates to the Register sheets on the Noticeboard at BLC so please check these are correct.
Any discrepencies please contact Dawn Higgins email:phoenixpriory@hotmail.com.
We'd love to have you with us
Fill in this form to start the registration process