Important.. Please Read. Message from BMSC Committee

Over the past few months there have been a growing number of concerns raised by parents, leisure centre staff and swimmers about the conduct and behaviour of swimmers in the changing rooms and in the Pool.

While swimmers are the responsibility of their parents outside designated coaching sessions, please could swimmers take this as a polite reminder to behave responsibly within the changing rooms and to treat fellow members of the club, and other users of the leisure centres,  with respect.

BMSC would also like to call all members attention to the Codes of Conduct that they signed up to when they joined the Club or renewed their  membership this year.  These clearly state the behaviour expected of Club members, swimmers and parents alike and includes the sanctions open to us when these are breached.

I would particularly remind parents and swimmers that all swimmers have agreed to treat fellow swimmers and coaches with due respect, and the use of inappropriate language, bullying, harassment and physical violence will not be tolerated and could result in action being taken.

Parents are also reminded of their responsibility to behave responsibly as a spectator during training  or at Galas, and to treat swimmers, coaches and other parents with due respect.

Please let’s keep our sessions fun for the swimmers, parents and coaches alike.

Links to Swimmers Code of Conduct & Club Handbook{049a3929933ec48437eb79fbb91c0c269071f432db20c2a31d6158f123ca9744}20Swimmers{049a3929933ec48437eb79fbb91c0c269071f432db20c2a31d6158f123ca9744}20code{049a3929933ec48437eb79fbb91c0c269071f432db20c2a31d6158f123ca9744}20of{049a3929933ec48437eb79fbb91c0c269071f432db20c2a31d6158f123ca9744}20conduct.pdf

Club Handbook



BMSC Committee

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