It’s Time to put The GHOUL in The Pool.

So with entries now closed its time to put the Ghoul in the Pool.

We have 60+ Marlin swimmers attending our meet so we now need to stamp our ground as a meet that can’t be missed.

Therefore BMSC now need your help.

If you can provide or help with any decorations for the meet please get these to Jon Haynes ASAP the Arc is a big venue and we have their permission to decorate it up so we need an Entrance to remember; balloons Orange and Black drapes posters etc anything Halloween…

If every BMSC swimmers was to calve a Pumpkin and position it at the entrance with a battery tea light in it it would look something else.

We could also postion these around the venue to keep the theme.

So come on swimmers stamp your mark.

We’re also looking to do spot prizes if anyone can help with goody bags we can do these on a race by race basis or event basis.

All helpers need to be ghoulish in attire so dress to impress here.

BMSC have gone Bigger this year we need to be BETTER so with the normal Belper Marlin Spirit lets do it….

Pumpkins can be brought on the day…
And taken home that evening.

We will have a Ghoul on hand to deal with these.

If anyone wants to make some signage / Posters we can put up on the drive way up to the venue this would be great.

Ok so it’s over to you…

Let’s show our competition what Marlins are all about

Loud and Proud… Always a Good Time


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