Results from T30 Session

Well done to all the Marlin swimmers who completed their Mega Swims at Belper on Sunday. So with distance in mind, the senior swimmers completed a T30 swim test during the final session of the evening. The test is a recognised measure of pacing and stamina, which can be repeated to assess individual progress throughout a swimmer’s career. Before the session, word had spread that the T30 was a bit of a beast but everybody had a go and the results are available here, and on the club noticeboard. Afterwards, most of the swimmers were happy with their efforts and said it wasn’t as bad as they expected. The positive feedback has been taken as a green light to repeat the test later on in the year and give everyone something to look forward to! We would also like to thank the parents who came on poolside to count for each lane, and work out how far everybody swam.

If any parents would like to try the T30 themselves, just swim as far as you can in 30 minutes. If you beat the current record of 2285m, you can join the Masters team.

T30 BLC S3 Sunday 19MAR2017


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